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Convert a Space to Scroll Documents

In this article, we'll walk you through the steps to convert a space managed by Scroll Versions or Scroll Translations into a Scroll Document.

This process consists of four stages:

  1. Control the Apps and Their Versions

  2. Run the Scroll Health Check

  3. Go over the Conversion Options

  4. Perform the Conversion to Scroll Documents

1. Control the Apps and Their Versions

To kick off the conversion, you need to ensure you have the right apps and the required versions installed:

  • Scroll Documents: At least version 3.X has to be installed in order to perform a conversion.

  • Scroll Versions and/or Scroll Translations: Make sure you have the latest compatible version with your Confluence instance.

If your Confluence version supports it, we recommend using the latest versions of all apps whenever possible.

Here's how to confirm if you have the correct apps and versions:

  1. Navigate to Confluence administration via the cog icon.

  2. Click Manage apps.

  3. Look for the apps in the list. If any of the required apps are missing, generate Data Center evaluation licenses for them (you can do this even if you're still on Server).

2. Run the Scroll Health Check

Once you've confirmed all the apps and their correct versions, it's time to run one last Scroll Health Check in your spaces to ensure no new problems have surfaced that could delay your conversion:

  1. Navigate to the desired space.

  2. Go to Space tools > Scroll add-ons > Health Checks.

  3. Click Check.

If an error or warning appears, click Repair if the option is available. If there's no repair button and you see an error, try resolving it manually following the documentation or contact our support for guidance. If no errors or warnings appear, you're ready to proceed.

3. Go Over the Conversion Options

Read the article about the Conversion Options before starting the actual conversion.

4. Perform the Conversion to Scroll Documents

Now it’s time to start the process of converting your space to a Scroll Document.

The screens displayed in the conversion dialog may vary depending on the features enabled in the original space.

To convert a space into a Scroll Document, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Space tools > Scroll Add-ons > Convert to Scroll Documents.

  2. If there are any migration blockers, address them if possible.

  3. Start the conversion process by clicking Start Conversion.

  4. Confirm that you’ve run the health check and click Next.

  5. Provide a name and space key for your new space.

  6. Check or uncheck the box “Copy space permissions.”

  7. Assign a title to your new document, and click Next.

  8. If you have multiple languages active, select the languages you want to convert and click Next.

  9. Choose the most recent version to be the Working version.
    (tick) Tips: The Working version is a dedicated draft version in Scroll Documents. In most cases, the most recent version is the right choice here.

  10. Decide how many versions you want to convert as Saved versions, and proceed to the Next step.
    (tick) Tips: Saved versions are similar to space versions in Scroll Versions. We recommend leaving out old or outdated versions as this can help keep your new Scroll Document lean.

  11. If you have variants, select the ones you want to convert.

  12. Optionally, adjust the page labels for variants and click Next.

  13. Review the Conversion Options and click Next.

    (tick) Tips: We suggest sticking with the default options during conversion unless your testing indicates that different options would be more beneficial.

  14. Review and potentially adjust other conversion options if needed, proceed to the Next step.
    (tick) Tips: Again, we recommend sticking with the default options during conversion unless your testing indicates that different options would be more beneficial.

  15. Start the conversion process, click Start Conversion.

  16. Wait for the conversion task to complete.

  17. Check the new space to ensure everything converted correctly.

  18. Adjust space permissions as necessary to allow access to required users.

  19. Optionally, if you have external links pointing to the pre-conversion pages managed by Scroll Versions and Translations and you want them to point to the corresponding pages within the converted space, proceed to: Migrate Links Pointing to Converted Spaces


You have now converted your first space to Scroll Documents before migrating to Data Center or Cloud.

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