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Decide What to Keep – Streamlining Your Content

Are you gearing up to convert from Scroll Versions to Scroll Documents? It's a significant step forward, and we're here to guide you through the process. In this article, we'll outline the important task of preparing your existing content. Let's make sure you migrate only what's essential, leaving behind the all the clutter and outdated content.

Check the Spaces: A Thorough Analysis

Much like tidying up the attic and basement before shifting homes, take time to assess your content and determine what truly needs to make the move. Before diving into the migration process, be sure to run the Migration Report.

This report helps you identify the specific features of Scroll Versions or Scroll Translations that are currently active within your spaces. It's the equivalent of surveying your new house before deciding where to place your belongings.

Cleaning up personal spaces and unclear setups

After running the Migration Report, head to the best practices page and kickstart your content preparation by cleaning up archived spaces, personal spaces and spaces with unclear setups. These areas are often repositories of content that may not be relevant to the conversion.

Keep the Overview

As you tidy up and go through your existing spaces, create a Confluence page to keep track of the spaces and how relevant they are to the migration.

Deciding what to keep: Ask these questions

After you’ve gone through the obvious spaces and have decided what to do with those, it’s time to look more closely into the spaces that you consider being relevant for the migration.

Did you know?

Keeping your Confluence page tree under 50,000 pages is recommended for a smoother navigation experience. For more tips and best practices on maintaining a page tree and optimizing your Confluence experience, check out this Atlassian Community article.

To make an informed decision about what to keep, ask yourself the following four questions. Note that the last two apply only if you've used variant management in Scroll Versions or managed multiple languages with Scroll Translations.

1. Are all my spaces still relevant?

After excluding personal spaces and those with unclear setups, take a closer look at the remaining spaces and try to better understand the relevancy of a space and its content:

  • Space Names: Check your space names to identify test or sandbox spaces that might not require migration. Oftentimes those spaces can be easily identified by their space names or space keys. When in doubt, clarify with the specific space owner.

  • Relevancy and Importance: If your company has been using Scroll Versions or Translations for an extended period, you may find documentation spaces for outdated products. Exclude these from the migration to streamline your content.

2. Are all my versions still relevant?

Over time, spaces accumulate numerous versions, many of which may no longer be relevant to your readers. These versions may even pertain to products no longer supported or used. Remember, the less you migrate, the less outdated or unnecessary content you'll have to carry over to Scroll Documents and your fresh Confluence Cloud or Data Center instance.

3. Are all my variants still relevant?

If you've made use of Variant Management in Scroll Versions, it's worth evaluating the variant setup in your spaces. Consider which variants are still essential to your current documentation needs and identify those that can be left behind.

4. Are all my languages still relevant?

For users of Scroll Translations, it's wise to question the relevance of all the languages you've employed. As your content evolves, so do your language requirements.

You can use the Translations Report in Scroll Translations to filter for translated pages per language and identify languages with minimal translated content

The benefits of a streamlined migration

By going through these questions, you pave the way for a seamless transition to Scroll Documents. The effort you invest in content preparation will pay off in several ways:

  • Improved clarity: Your new system will be free from clutter and outdated content, making it easier for users to find what they need.

  • Efficient management: With only essential content in place, managing this content becomes more straightforward and efficient.

  • Enhanced user experience: Readers will appreciate the relevancy and accuracy of your documentation, improving their overall experience.

Remember, your goal is to make this transition as smooth as possible for both your team and your end-users. Taking the time to prepare your content, versions, variants, and languages now will save you time and effort in the long run.


Converting from Scroll Versions to Scroll Documents is an exciting step forward. By following these guidelines and carefully evaluating your existing content, you'll ensure a seamless transition that leaves you with a lean and effective documentation system.

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