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Are you preparing to migrate from Confluence’s Server platform to Cloud or Data Center? Atlassian has announced the end of life for their Server products, meaning you won’t be alone in making the switch. This transition also impacts Server apps, including Scroll Versions and Scroll Translations.

Helping You Switch with the Scroll Apps Migration Hub

Welcome to the Scroll Apps Migration Hub, your go-to place to help your team smoothly transition from Scroll Versions and Scroll Translations to the new generation app: Scroll Documents. Whether you're heading to Cloud or Data Center, we're here to guide you at every step.

What About Other Apps?

If you're planning to migrate with our other Confluence or Jira apps, we have helpful resources for those too. You can find those resources below:

Getting to Know Scroll Documents

Curious about how to make the move from Scroll Versions and Scroll Translations to Scroll Documents? We're here to break it down for you:

Scroll Documents – A new solution for Confluence Cloud

Scroll Versions and Scroll Translations have now received a legacy status as they cannot be migrated to Confluence Cloud. In response, we've introduced Scroll Documents – the new home for versioning and technical communication on Confluence Cloud. Features like variants and translations are available through the extension apps: Translations for Scroll Documents and Variants for Scroll Documents. To successfully migrate your legacy-managed spaces to Cloud, you'll first need to convert them into Scroll Documents-managed spaces. For this, we offer an inbuilt migration path in Scroll Versions and Scroll Translations.

What does "Legacy status" mean?

The legacy status assigned to Scroll Versions and Scroll Translations means we will continue to maintain them, focusing primarily on compatibility and security fixes. However, after February 2024, we plan to only do this for the Data Center versions of the apps. If you're not ready to change to Scroll Documents yet, you can keep using Scroll Versions or Scroll Translations on Data Center until it fits your plans.

Embark on the Scroll Documents Journey

Moving to Scroll Documents involves four important phases:

  1. Understand: Understand what's unique about Scroll Documents compared to the legacy apps. We'll help you choose wisely before you make the switch.

  2. Assess: Take a deeper look at how you use the legacy apps. Is now a good time to transition?

  3. Prepare: Before you switch, tidy up your spaces by getting rid of stuff you don't need. Starting fresh makes the move smoother.

  4. Convert: When you're ready, convert your legacy-managed spaces to Scroll Documents-managed spaces. We'll guide you step-by-step through this process to ensure it goes well.

You can begin with the Understand and Assess phases right away, even if you don’t yet plan to convert to Scroll Documents. We also recommend taking a look at the Prepare steps to already tidy up your system.

Importance of Understand and Assess

As you begin your migration journey, it's important to understand the differences and similarities between Scroll Documents and the legacy apps. While we're working towards feature parity, there are important distinctions you should consider before committing to a Scroll Documents conversion.

Additionally, gaining clarity on your own migration process is vital. Assess how you've used Scroll Versions and Scroll Translations, then choose which spaces to convert before moving to Cloud or Data Center.

Ready to Begin?

Now that you know the plan, you're all set to start exploring the 4 steps listed above. Start by learning more about Scroll Documents and what happens during a conversion. Continue to the first phase: Understand

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